The dream or visit started
with me in a library reading stories to some children. They started
with some African stories for children and when my guide or helper
appeared I commented that these stories were so good at building
character that they should be available to all children.
He offered to take me on a
trip along with a gentleman that is often mistaken for an Orisha.
Actually, he could pulverize an Orisha. He is a black Djin, a fire
elemental and can pretty much anything he wants. In other words,
don't mess with him and never, ever ask for a favor or accept one.
So off we went to South
America. I saw pyramids that are still covered by the jungle and some
that always were. In explanation, the pyramids were designed to grow
large crops and the crops sort of took them over. There were whole
cities like this with wide boulevards, and small stone buildings for
homes. It was amazingly beautiful and inhabited by colourful birds
and animals.
Then we were off to Egypt
and the very scale of the ruins was staggering. Finally I had to ask
what the purpose of these gigantic structures were and they both
answered they were entrances. “To what?”, I asked thinking I was
going to get a star gate type of an answer but instead, they just
said cities. “Cities, there are no cities,” I protested. Then
the Djin looked me in the eye which is disturbing enough as his eyes
are blacker than his skin and that is the darkest blue/purple black I
have ever seen, “You do know this was once a jungle?” I faintly
remembered something from archaeology class hinting at that back
before what was supposed to be the advent of man the whole planet was
a jungle.
“ of,”
I answered.
“Let us show you,” and
we were off to India and Africa.
I saw huge cities carved
out of mountains and carved straight down into the ground. Most are
well known tourist sites. I couldn't help but ask how they did it. I
mean how do you know excavating a building from the top down you
aren't going to hit pure sand, a cavern or something incapable of
supporting the structure you have already built.
“Because,” the Djin
answered, “You are building them from the bottom up.”
have to be way underground to start with!”
And then we were flying
over deepest jungles in Africa and below I saw a hole in the earth.
We descended into the hole and I found myself in the most beautifully
carved out of stone city you have ever seen. The gardens were will
growing in there because this huge city was under a dome completely
covered in gold. Yes, the 24K type. In the center of the city under
the hole was a huge reflecting pond whose bottom was covered in some
sort of silver reflective material. The huge pond reflected the light
from the hole all over the dome causing the gold to reflect the light
and bath the city in a beautiful warm glow. I remarked on the huge
pond and was told it also supplied the city's hot water. Every
surface of these white buildings was carved in reliefs depicting the
occupants daily life. The streets were wide and could easily
accommodate vehicles. The sides were terraced for growing crops some
of which remained reseeding themselves. But the light was still too
low for most food crops so I asked if they had supplemental lighting.
“When this city was
built, the light was much stronger. In the daytime there was plenty
of light for the plants.”
I asked for an explanation
and was told that the earth had had two mass extinctions. The first
one was when another planet moved so close it stripped the Ozone
layer off the planet. Since humans were quite advanced, they prepared
by building huge underground cities connected by a tunnel system. The
pyramids were nothing more than open doors to the underground cities.
They simply moved themselves and the animals that would come, to
safety. They were practically immortal as before the planet came by,
there was more than just an Ozone layer but a protective layer that
stopped cosmic radiation and all damage to their DNA.
Gradually and with help
from their scientists, they rebuilt the Ozone layer but they
discovered another type of plant had taken over and with it, the
reptiles that were better capable of coping with the extreme heat.
They still continued to use the underground cities and tunnels
because of the heat and the light. Their eyes did not allow them to
see in the bright sunlight so they mostly came out at night. Then
came the meteor that brought about a nuclear winter and killed the
dinosaurs. The humans were unharmed by that because they saw it
coming and took to the underground. There were a few humans that had
refused to go underground and by the time the earth leveled out both
climatically and geologically, the gap between the humans on the
surface and those below had widened in technology. The underground
dwellers tried to bring the surface humans up to date but another
calamity was in the near future, a comet.
Although they tried to get
the humans to go underground, they had an innate fear of being
underground as some were profiting off the humans fear of technology
and the underground to rule them. This had never been a problem
before so the underground dwellers were quite puzzled. They were even
more puzzled at the humans denying anything was wrong when anyone
could look up and see the comet getting closer by the day. The comet
swooped in close to the planet, first raining huge chunks of ice and
then as it swooped even lower, massive amounts of rain that resulted
in floods. The gravitational pull of the comet caused tidal waves and
tsunamis which were reported in most mythologies as great floods. Not
all places flooded, just low lying and coastal areas. They explained
this to me as we walking through this city and looking at the murals
that depicted this history. The “comet” is now known as the Moon.
I asked if this was the
only city that had this history written down and they answered. “No,
practically all the ancient cities, below and above ground had this
history written down.”
What happened was the
lower lying cities were flooded quickly along with most of the
tunnels cutting the surviving cities off from another. The far inland
cities like this one and some high in the mountains escaped the
floods. This reduced the population of the below ground dwellers
because although they had the technology to protect themselves, they
no longer had the manpower as they were aging and dying at a rate
never before seen. They had never been overly fertile. Their
scientists attributed it to the new Ozone layer not offering the
protection it once had. Those that were left after the flood tried as
best they could to teach the remaining humans technology and farming
but the new short lived humans were more violent and less interested
in the long term effects of anything other than just surviving. So,
the underground dwellers began to carve the record of the planet into
every massive stone piece they could find knowing that the knowledge
would eventually be decipherable to humans.
“But,” I injected,
“this seems to be the only place with this record.”
I was told there had been
many, many sites that were all destroyed and shortly, this one would
be destroyed as it was visible to satellites and made accessible via
new farming initiatives.
I protested that we were
more advanced than that and would protect the archaeological sites.
Then I interjected that someone must have been able to understand the
reliefs and wrote the real history down. My guide simple shook his
They started laughing and
talking among themselves. Finally my guide suggested they should
explain the real reason every site discovered was defaced as demonic
and pagan. That, it seemed was against the rules. I had to figure it
out for myself. My guide argued that was not possible because my mind
simply didn't work that way and so they argued on.
I sort of felt like a
Commodore 64 trying to communicate with my present laptop with 1TB of
memory. It's no fun when you are the 64 and everyone knows it. I
really felt like the slow kid in class when, the Djin gave in and
said to tell me.
My guide looked at me
pityingly and said, “You know all that was left of mankind after
the first cataclysm was in the center of a giant island from which
all the continents split off?” I nodded yes. “That central mass
is now Africa. All of mankind originated there.” I nodded yes as
that is common knowledge. He looked at the Djin and said, “I told
you she could not figure it out. She sees no difference.” The Djin
nodded and looked down like I was really the slowest kid in the class
and just embarrassed myself. My guide looked and me and gently said,
“That means the highest evolution of your original species was
With that I was slammed
back into my body.
I have struggled for a day
with writing this and then I saw a story where a whole class in Texas
walked out when the professor told them mankind originated in Africa.
Apparently they had no trouble seeing the implication I missed.
The pyramids, the
underground cities in Africa, the pyramids in South America, the
Great Wall of China and all the wonders over the globe that we can't
even duplicate today were built by non-white people. White people
only originated when darker people moved to the colder climates where
heavy amounts of melanin aren't needed to shield you from the sun and
as camouflage so you don't look like a human nugget to predators in
snow. The more your skin is exposed to the sun, the darker it becomes
(called tanning) as the melanin concentrates in your skin to protect
you. People who live closer to the arctic eventually lose the melanin
in their skin cells because it serves no useful purpose and nature
gets rid of things that serve no purpose, like the fur you once had.
Every culture is rife with
people who emerged from the earth and taught them how to grow crops
and build cities. There are the Ant people through Native American
cultures. And every culture has a taboo about living underground for
no apparent reason. Anyone living in caves or underground is suspect.
Even people who love to explore caves are suspect. Why is bad below
and good above? You are more likely to get hit by lightning than fall
through the earth. More people are killed by things from above than
falling through the earth so wouldn't it make more sense for demons
to live above earth and whack us with lightning and hail?
But you have to wonder if
concealing our true history and greatness is worth concealing the
simple fact that we all started out dark colored. I guess it is to
the people who want to rule you, divide you and continue abusing you
for their pleasure. The question is whether you intend to continue to
permit it.
Very good and much lost wisdom in it.
ReplyDeleteMind lsd tho